
Terms & Service Conditions

Terms of Use and Privacy Notice Please read our Terms of Use and Privacy Notice carefully, as by using our Access Channels you demonstrate your agreement and full acceptance of these Terms of Use and Privacy Notice. The present Terms of Use and Privacy Notice (hereinafter "Terms") aim to ensure the right of the personal data holder, both visitors and customers, with whom we relate through our physical units (in person) or through digital means, such as on our website, applications, software, digital forms, and other technological platforms (hereinafter "Access Channels"), provided and maintained by VipFi, at the address: Inácio Higino, nº 994 - Edifício Tower Tech - Praia da Costa - Vila Velha - ES - CEP 29101-430

Attention All communication through the worldwide computer network is subject to interruptions or delays, which may prevent or hinder access to our services. Vip-Fi disclaims responsibility for damages suffered by its customers, due to failure of services provided by third parties. Vip-Fi exempts itself from the obligation to process or treat any Personal Data if it believes that such processing or treatment may impute any infringement of any applicable law, or if it is used for any illegal, illicit purposes, or contrary to morality. You, the Data Holder, are solely responsible for the accuracy, truthfulness, or lack thereof in relation to the Data you provide or for its outdatedness. It is your responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the data informed and to keep them updated. It is Vip-Fi's responsibility for the database formed through the collection of Personal Data and for its use, following the limits and business purposes described in these Terms of Use and Privacy Notice.

Introduction Vip-Fi reaffirms its commitment to personal data privacy and, in compliance with Law No. 13.709/2018 ("General Personal Data Protection Law"), wants you to be informed about how we treat (example: collect, store, share, process, dispose of, among others) your Personal Data. In addition to guaranteeing your rights as the Data Holder, under the terms of Law No. 13.709/2018 ("General Personal Data Protection Law") These Terms aim to inform about practices related to the collection and use of information provided through our Access Channels. Please read its content in full before accessing our website, systems, filling out forms, or providing us with information. In order to protect your personal data, Vip-Fi adopts the best market practices so that they are not improperly accessed or, in any way, violated. These Terms may be updated at any time, as we value the efficiency of our work, and we are in constant improvement.

INFORMATION COLLECTED BY VIP-FI We collect some types of information, including information that identifies or can identify you as an individual ("Personal Information"), as explained further below. Information you provide us through our website: Online Form: Privacy Form. Through this form you can submit a request about your personal information that is processed by Vip-Fi. If you make contact through the site, we will keep a record of our correspondence and some contact information may be collected, such as: First name, Last name, Email, Country.

Through the User Area (registration): In the user area, you can create an account to browse our Wi-Fi. Divided by registration forms, some information may be collected, such as: - 1. Manual registration: First name, Last name, Email, CPF (Brazilian ID), Phone - 2. Continue with Facebook: Email - 3. Continue with Google: Email - 4. Continue with LinkedIn: Email - 5. Continue with Instagram: Email - 6. Continue with Microsoft: Email - 7. Continue with Twitter: Email - Through the User Area (login): 1. Manual registration: Email - 2. Continue with Facebook: Email - 3. Continue with Google: Email - 4. Continue with LinkedIn: Email - 5. Continue with Instagram: Email - 6. Continue with Microsoft: Email - 7. Continue with Twitter: Email

Information that is collected automatically: When you access the site: when you visit our site, we collect certain information related to your device, such as: your device's IP address referral site which pages of our site your device visited date and time When you use the Services on our site: when you use our services on our site, we collect certain information related to your device, such as: Registration information - we log information about our customers and their users when you use any of our Services, including the Internet Protocol ('IP') address. Information collected by cookies and similar technologies - we use various technologies to collect information which may include saving cookies on users' computers. Customer feedback - When using our services, you may be asked to provide feedback (for example, in a satisfaction survey). Providing this feedback is totally optional. For more information, read the section titled 'Tracking Technologies and Cookies'.

Information from other sources: We may receive information about you from other sources, including third parties, such as marketing partners, researchers, social organizations, and other sources, and combine them with other information we collect about you. If you access our services through a third-party account, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Google, Instagram, Microsoft, Twitter, we collect data and information about you through these accounts in accordance with the policies and terms of these accounts.

FOR WHAT PURPOSES DO WE USE? Your Personal Data collected will have the purpose of: Identify and authenticate You on our Access Channels Compliance with legal obligation, record keeping as Law No. 12.965/2014 - Civil Rights Framework for the Internet – within the scope of online environments Security monitoring of our Access Channels for your and our safety. Legal Framework Law No. 13.709, August 14, 2018. General Personal Data Protection Law – LGPD. Law No. 12.965, April 23, 2014. Civil Rights Framework for the Internet.

HOW DO WE SHARE AND DISCLOSE INFORMATION TO THIRD PARTIES? Vip-Fi does not sell or share personal information provided by you on our Access Channels. We share and disclose information (which may include personal information) under the following limited circumstances:

SUPPLIERS, CONSULTANTS AND OTHER SERVICE PROVIDERS: We may share your information with third-party vendors, consultants and other service providers that we hire to perform tasks on our behalf. These companies include (for example) our payment processing providers, website analysis companies (for example, Google Analytics), product feedback or software providers, email service providers (for example, Sendgrid) and others. If Vip-Fi receives your personal information and subsequently transfers it to a third-party agent or service provider for processing, Vip-Fi remains responsible for ensuring that such third-party agent or service provider processes your personal information to the standard required by the current privacy laws, including LGPD.

BUSINESS TRANSFERS: We may choose to buy or sell assets, and we may share and/or transfer customer information in connection with the evaluation of and entry into such transactions. Moreover, if we (or our assets) are acquired, or if we go out of business, enter bankruptcy, or go through some other change of control, Personal Information could be one of the assets transferred or acquired by third parties. We will share collected personal data and information automatically in case of corporate movements, such as: merger, demerger, incorporation, and acquisition.

DISCLOSURES FOR NATIONAL SECURITY OR LAW ENFORCEMENT: Under certain circumstances, we may be required to disclose your Personal Information in response to valid requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.

INFORMATION SECURITY Vip-Fi operates based on the principles of information security with the aim of ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.

CONFIDENTIALITY Ensure that access to information is obtained only by authorized persons;

INTEGRITY Ensure that information is kept in its original state, aiming to protect it, in custody or transmission, against improper, intentional or accidental changes;

AVAILABILITY Ensure that authorized users obtain access to information and corresponding assets whenever necessary.

PRIVACY Ensure that the user's privacy rights are met according to current legislation.

PRECAUTIONS YOU SHOULD TAKE Specific precautions are necessary to protect your devices against unauthorized access, they are: Do not write down your passwords, memorize or use a password vault application with encryption. Your password is individual, non-transferable and must be kept in absolute secrecy; Always use passwords composed of numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, with at least one special character; Always keep your computers and devices updated, as updates fix security flaws; Use secure internet access; Always use antivirus and keep it active and updated on your computer and mobile devices; Avoid using public or shared devices; Do not open files or emails of unknown origin; Remember that all communication via the internet is subject to interruptions or delays.

VIP-FI CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FOLLOWING FACTS: If your equipment is infected or invaded by attackers; If your equipment is damaged at the time of service consumption; Protection of information based on users' computers; Abuse of use of users' computers; Covert monitoring of users' computers; Vulnerabilities or instabilities existing in users' systems; Insecure perimeter;

EXTERNAL LINKS When browsing our Access Channels, you may be directed, via link to other portals or platforms that may collect your information. When accessing external links, always check the existence of Privacy Policies and Terms of Use, paying attention to their conditions.

ACCESS TO PERSONAL DATA, PROPORTIONALITY AND RELEVANCE? The personal data collected on our Access Channels are accessed only by duly authorized professionals, respecting the principles of proportionality, necessity, and relevance to the objectives of our business, in addition to the commitment to confidentiality and preservation of your privacy under the terms of this Policy.

COMMUNICATION BY E-MAIL Emails can be sent to optimize communication with you, so we can receive a notification when they are opened, as long as this possibility is available. We only send emails through the domain ending with the email end.

HOW LONG WE STORE YOUR DATA Your personal data is stored for the necessary period or to fulfill legal obligations for which we are required to store them. Otherwise, we will delete them from our bases or make them anonymous so that with their processing it is no longer possible to identify you. At any time you can request the deletion of personal data. Due to legal force, even if you and our customers request deletion, we must keep the personal data provided for at least: 5 (five) years from the end of the relationship between us or your request for deletion, whichever comes first, according to Articles 12 and 34 of Law No. 8.078 of September 11, 1990 – Consumer Protection Code – CDC. 6 (six) months, at least, those collected automatically, counted from the date on which the interaction on our Access Channels was performed, according to Article 15 of Law 12.965 of April 23, 2014 – Civil Rights Framework for the Internet.

TRACKING TECHNOLOGIES AND COOKIES GOOGLE ANALYTICS: On some of our sites, we may also use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, to better understand your use of the website and services. Google Analytics collects information such as how often users visit the websites, the pages they visit, and the other websites they used prior to visiting. Google uses the data collected to track and examine the use of the websites, to prepare reports on their activities and share them with other Google services. Google may use the data collected on the websites to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network. Google's ability to use and share information collected by Google Analytics about your visits to the websites is restricted by the Google Analytics Terms of Use and Google's Privacy Policy. Google offers an opt-out mechanism for the web available here. Please see the applicable website's cookie notice for more information about the type of cookies and tracking technologies that we use on the website and why, and how to accept them and reject them.

COOKIE WHAT IS A COOKIE? A cookie is a small piece of data (text file) that a website – when visited by a user – asks your browser to store on your device to remember information about you, such as your language preference or login information. WHY DO WE USE COOKIES? Provided that you have given us consent, we use cookies on our online Access Channels to enhance your experience, both in terms of performance and usability, as the content provided will be tailored to your needs. How are they stored? When you access our online Access Channels, cookies allow us to remember information such as your preferred language, location, and the recurrence of your sessions, and other variables that we consider relevant to enrich your experience. Cookies can also be used to compile anonymous and aggregate statistics that allow us to understand how you use our online Access Channels, as well as to improve their structures and content. There is no personal identification through this data. What types of Cookies do we use? There are two types of cookies that can be used in our Access Channels: Session cookies: Also called a transient cookie, it is erased when you close your internet browser. It is stored in the computer's temporary memory and is not retained after the browser is closed. Persistent cookies: Also called a permanent cookie, it is stored on your hard drive until it expires (persistent cookies are set with expiration dates) or until you delete it. Persistent cookies are used to collect identifying information about the user, such as web browsing behavior or preferences for a specific website. Important: Cookies cannot be used to run code (execute programs) or send viruses to your computer. The purpose of a cookie is to inform the Web server that you have returned to a specific Web page. For example, if you customize Web pages or register for products or services, a cookie will help the page server remember your specific information. This can be useful to simplify the process of recording your personal information, such as billing addresses, shipping addresses, and so on. When visiting the same website, the information previously provided can be retrieved. Therefore, you can easily use the features previously chosen on the site. How can I control or delete Cookies? You can enable and disable cookies or have Internet Explorer warn before accepting cookies. Please note that disabling cookies can prevent the correct operation of some Web services and does not make you anonymous or prevent websites from tracking your browsing habits. HTTP requests still include information about where you came from (HTTP Referrer), your IP address, browser version, operating system, and other information. Consult your browser's instructions. If You use different devices to access our Access Channels (for example, computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) you should ensure that the browser of each device is adjusted to meet your preferences regarding cookies. For more information on “Private Browsing” and Cookie management in the Firefox browser, click here. For more information on “Incognito Browsing” and Cookie management in the Chrome browser, click here. For more information on “Private Browsing” and Cookie management from the Internet Explorer browser, click here. For more information on “Private Browsing” and Cookie management from Safari, click here. For more information on “Private Browsing” and Cookie management in the Opera browser, click here. Your Privacy Rights Confirmation of treatment and access: you can request confirmation of a treatment and request access to your personal data held by the controller. Correction: You have the right to request that incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data be corrected. Anonymization, blocking or deletion of data: As long as they are considered unnecessary, excessive or treated in non-compliance with the provisions of the LGPD; Portability: It is possible to request the transfer of your personal data to another service provider. Revocation of Consent: It is possible to revoke at any time the consent to use your personal data treated through it, because even after authorization you have the right to revocation. Elimination: It is possible to express the right for your personal data to be deleted after revoking previous consent. Sharing: You have the right to know information about all entities – public or private with whom your personal information is shared. Information on the consequences of revocation: You have the right to be informed about the unfolding of the relationship with us and execution of a certain purpose of treatment should you wish to revoke your consent. Opposition: You can deny the treatment of personal data when it is not aligned with the determinations of the General Data Protection Law - LGPD. Review of automated decision: The data subject has the right to request information on the criteria and processes used in the decision making of the automated structure. Decisions such as profile setting, professional, consumption and credit are some of those that directly affect the interests of the holder. You can also send requests or complaints regarding the processing of your personal data to the National Data Protection Authority - ANPD.

HOW CAN I EXERCISE MY DATA HOLDER RIGHTS? If you wish to access, review, update, rectify, and delete any personal information we have about you, or to exercise any other data holder right available to you under the General Data Protection Law - LGPD, you can fill out our "Privacy Form". Our privacy team will review your request and respond to you as soon as possible. Please note that we may still use any aggregated and non-identifying personal information that does not identify any individual, and we may retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.

COMMUNICATION If you have any questions regarding this Policy or requests for the fulfillment of your rights, you or your legal representative can directly contact our Data Controller through the contact details provided below: full name - email If you wish to access, review, update, rectify and delete any personal information we have about you, or exercise any other data holder right available to you under the General Data Protection Law - LGPD, you can fill out our 'Privacy Form'. Our privacy team will review your request and respond to you as soon as possible.

CHANGES This policy has an indefinite term and may be changed in its terms at any time. Changes to the terms of use will be made according to the requirements of current legislation. Any change and/or update to these Terms of Use and Privacy Policy will come into effect from the date of its publication on the site and must be fully observed by the Users. Changes to this term will be published and informed to the user through the website.

JURISDICTION This Policy should be interpreted according to Brazilian legislation. If any provision is considered illegal or illegitimate, the remaining valid conditions will remain applicable. The jurisdiction of the District of Vila Velha, State of Espírito Santo, is chosen for the resolution of any litigation or controversy involving this document.