
Frequently Asked Questions

Let's go

Got a question?

Encountered any difficulties or have a question about a routine? Here are the main questions and answers to assist you.

  • How to connect to VipFi?

    Open the Wi-Fi options on your phone and look for the ((VipFi Free)) Network
    Access the ((VipFi Free)) network and click on access
    Log in or register
    If it's your first time at the location accept the LGPD terms
    Wait for the campaign and click on browse
    Done! Enjoy your free Wi-Fi

  • I click on the ((VipFi Free)) Network and the authentication option doesn't open?

    Open your browser and go to the website:
    If the site loads, you should click on the login option and the authentication process will start
    If you clicked on the site and it did not load, there may be some problem with the internet connection at the location. Inform the person in charge of the establishment

  • Do I always have to agree with the LGPD terms?

    Yes! The LGPD (General Data Protection Law) ensures that your data will not be shared without your knowledge

  • I forgot my password, what now?

    When connecting to the ((VipFi Free)) network, you click on the forgot my password option.
    A password reset email will be sent to you.
    Add the new password and log in again to browse

  • How do I delete my account?

    Go to:
    Fill out the privacy form with all the data
    Wait and we will respond to you as soon as possible with your entire history and confirmation of account deletion
